<p>Joey Thurman:<br />Over a million lights shining bright. That's Let It Shine. Oh, you can be in your car, warm, unlike me, and check out the lights with the kiddos, and adults, I know you want to check them out too. It's beginning to look a lot like the holidays. Here's Let It Shine.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />Katie, we're all lit up. I mean, the smiles, but also the lights. What's up? What have we got going on here?<br /><br />Katie Peterson:<br />Yes. So we are Let It Shine. We are a drive-through immersive light show, taking place for the first time here at Fox Valley Mall. We are so excited to be here and it's here for this season, to shine bright with everybody.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />Now how many lights are there? Do you have any idea?<br /><br />Katie Peterson:<br />But there's over a million. As you can see, they are just absolutely beautiful. It actually took over six weeks to set up.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />Wow.<br /><br />Katie Peterson:<br />That's how many lights are here.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />And this is a drive-through light show, correct?<br /><br />Katie Peterson:<br />Correct. So how it works is, you go online to buy a ticket. It's one ticket per car, so you can have as many people in the car as safely as possible, we'd recommend.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />Okay. I was going to say, we can load 20 or 30 people in.<br /><br />Katie Peterson:<br />[inaudible 00:01:21] in the car.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />Okay.<br /><br />Katie Peterson:<br />And you arrive during your scheduled time and time slot, so we sell time tickets and you drive through the show and you set your radio to a specific FM station and the music is synchronized to the lights. It's really beautiful.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />What kind of reactions do you get? I mean, from kids, of course, but from adults as well, because you walk in here and I automatically feel like a little kid. I don't think that my toes are freezing or I can't feel my hands or anything. I got a new coat by the way. It's at the mall, so if you need to go shopping ... What kind of reaction did you get?<br /><br />Katie Peterson:<br />Awe inspiring. I mean, it's really ... Every night is so fun to see the kiddos hanging out the sun roof and the windows. Just, it's truly magical, and like you said, not just the kids, but of all ages. We were born in the COVID age last year, so this was something safe that everybody could come to. We get wonderful messages from families of bringing their elder family members through, because it's something safe and it's something fun and you don't have to bear the cold.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />Right.<br /><br />Katie Peterson:<br />You're out here now, but you can stay warm and toasty in the car, which is really nice.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />Let It Shine. I'm happy. I'm just cold, but I'm happy. Thank you so much. Appreciate it.<br /><br />Katie Peterson:<br />Absolutely. Thanks for coming.</p>
Over One Million Lights Sparkle at This Breathtaking Drive Through Light Show
When the pandemic hit, people needed a safe place to experience holiday lights. What better place than the comfort of your own vehicle? Let It Shine | Light Show creates a one-of-a-kind drive-through light show with over one million lights synced to your car radio for a fully immersive experience. All ages are sure to enjoy the magic of these spectacular holiday lights!
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