<p>Speaker 1: Welcome to talking cities, Aurora. We are downtown on LaSalle street today. It has been turned into a vintage marketplace, bringing you all the latest in vintage fashion and wares at today's vintage fair. I [inaudible 00:00:34] Liz trying on this jacket, so I thought we would just snag her and see what she's looking for today.</p>
<p>Speaker 2: I'm just looking to see for some unique pieces. I'm really into vintage shopping. I like to find unique things that I can't find otherwise. I like to thrift. If it's something that I feel like I won't find anywhere else, I'll pick it up.</p>
<p>Speaker 1: What's the desire behind thrift? Is it because it's unique?</p>
<p>Speaker 2: Yeah, it's unique. I feel like it has a story probably behind it. I kind of tell myself, I kind of create a story behind every piece. I kind of feel like, who it to. Then it's just cool to find stuff like that where I know no one else is going to have it.</p>
<p>Speaker 3: Right. I mean, it's nostalgia. You can't just go out to the store and buy stuff like this.</p>
<p>Speaker 4: Yeah. We'll just do this whole nostalgic aspect of it. You see a T-shirt with a Jordan on it or something from a movie you used to see, or like the 96 Bulls championship. It just brings you back to that moment. I feel like that's what we all connect with, those little moments of each of T-shirts. I'm thinking it's just a T-shirt, but there's a lot of history behind it. You know what I mean?</p>
<p>Speaker 5: So the vintage game, I just feel like it's just a huge family thing. It's just, everybody's connected. Everybody's just real close knit. I Feel like everything, just like our name, Recycle, everything comes in waves, everything comes back around. I just feel like that's it.</p>
<p>Speaker 1: How much is sustainability part of the drive to loving vintage?</p>
<p>Speaker 6: Yeah, I think the most important thing is that things get thrown away a lot. Back in the day, nobody threw anything away and now we've switched to culture to be in, throw everything away once we're done with it. Vintage is just one part of the many parts of sustainability of resale culture.</p>
<p>Speaker 7: I've been on that, it's one of the leading polluting industries, you know what I mean? So it's kind of good to circumvent some of that stuff. You buy old stuff, make it new.</p>
<p>Speaker 5: I just think the youth likes it. It's just a lot of nostalgia when you see a lot of this stuff. Like for me, I like Disney because that's what I grew up watching. So-</p>
<p>Speaker 1: Why do you think the interest in vintage has lasted so long?</p>
<p>Speaker 8: It's a nostalgic feeling that you get. Like I want to wear a shirt that nobody else has. It's also a rarity. You can't really find a shirt from 1995, so you're like an exclusive owner of the shirt.</p>
<p>Speaker 9: Bring you back to that one thing that when you were a kid, your nothing else mattered, except for that one thing that drove you wild that got you going for the day. If we can have a T-shirt, hat, anything that, hard, good that bring you back to that exact happiness. That's what we're looking for to make you smile.</p>
Hundreds Pour Into Lasalle Street on the Hunt for One of a Kind Vintage Wear
Nostalgia wasn’t the only thing that brought hundreds of shoppers to Aurora’s Lasalle Street recently. Self-expression through sustainable clothing choices was top of mind at the Retro Market. Vendors representing surrounding states presented wears from the last 40 years featuring iconic images and personal favorites.
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