Scott Mackay: We are back at Venue 1012 in Oswego. This is really the second week of their big concert series. Now, they have some movies on Thursdays and everything, but we are so excited to be here. And if you go to, you can check out the upcoming schedule because we've just begun this concert series. This is number two and I'm so excited that Hi Infidelity is here tonight. I have a great interview, while I shouldn't say it's great, but it's a good interview with Dave Mikulskis that you can also find at Talking Cities. So check that out. Look, man, oh man, we have so many Oswegoans here excited to see Hi Infidelity and we are going to rock it tonight right here in Oswego. We're going to go check out what's going on around us. So do you follow Hi Infidelity?
Dale Cain: I don't follow them, but I've seen them one other time and I really enjoy their show. So looking forward to tonight's show.
Scott Mackay: Now, you've never seen them?
Speaker 3: I've never seen them. No. Now, I've heard a lot about them but I've never seen them.
Scott Mackay: So you kind of wanted to see them. It's one of those things now they're close to home.
Speaker 3: Yes, yes, definitely. They're right down the street from us. Yeah. Yeah.
Scott Mackay: How did you find out about the event tonight?
Speaker 3: Just online. We looked it up and saw they were playing.
Scott Mackay: Well, good. It's working We keep saying it over and over and you have never seen him as well, right?
Speaker 4: I have not, but I'm always out to listen to good music. So we heard he plays a lot of eighties and nineties music. Good music and good friends.
Scott Mackay: How're the ticket sales? I know the first weekend, the inaugural weekend was awesome.
Rick Ryder: Oh, it was great, but this is a bigger crowd.
Scott Mackay: Well, that's what happens is we've growing it. We're growing it. You plant the seed and with Hi Infidelity here tonight, can't stop the rock.
Rick Ryder: Can't stop the rock. Hi Infidelity's a great band.
Scott Mackay: I am backstage at Venue 1012. This is the event I've been waiting for and I was just telling your wife, Dave, that there are a lot of Oswegoans that have never seen you before and they're here because they have heard such great things about your band.
David Mikulskis: We were really excited, especially since it's like we're just kicking off the summer now. Dave is a great addition to the band.
Scott Mackay: Yeah. Who is this guy?
David Mikulskis: Yeah. I don't know. You have sort of a history with him. I think.
Scott Mackay: What's his last name?
David Mikulskis: Zeppelin.
Scott Mackay: Tell me about the upcoming show. I know I'm going to be back on one that you're looking forward to.
Rick Ryder: July 23rd, we have Bad Medicine with Cover-licious. Bad Medicine is a Bonjovi cover band.
Scott Mackay: And Cover-licious covers a lot of great just kind of funk tunes, hit tunes.
Rick Ryder: Exactly.
Scott Mackay: Top 40.
Rick Ryder: Yeah, they cover everything. They're delicious and they're cover-licious.
Scott Mackay: The fun continues at Venue 1012, and we will be coming back very soon. This is all just the beginning of your summer event series. So if you want to come back and find out what's going on, go to and we'll see you soon.
Raging Good Time at Venue 1012 in Oswego Continues with American Idol Singer July 2
The crowds are pumped at every show at Venue 1012 in Oswego, where Scott Mackay talked to Hi Infidelity’s frontman David Mikulskis and music fans eager to check out the popular 80s band for the first time in their own backyard. The upcoming July 2 show is a free family event featuring Ryan Argast with Marina City & Starlifter: U.S. Air Force Band.
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