<p>Nicole Astra:<br />Welcome to Talking Cities. I'm Nicole Astra.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />And I'm Joey Thurman, Nicole, what's up?<br /><br />Nicole Astra:<br />Usually, we ask what we did over the weekend, but I want to ask you what's coming up. You got something really big; we want to support you.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />Yeah. I'm going to be in New York City, New York City. I just squeaked, like I was going through puberty there. I'm going to be in New York, in all seriousness.<br /><br />Nicole Astra:<br />All right, this is serious; we'll bring it back down.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />For the Tamron Hall Show on Wednesday, 2/23, I suffer from depression mental health. I was diagnosed clinically with depression at 13. So it's going to be rough; it's going to be rough in a good way, and just trying to acknowledge all of my feelings and be aware of that.<br /><br />Nicole Astra:<br />It's a scary thing. I know; I can even feel it in your energy.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />Yeah.<br /><br />Nicole Astra:<br />It's a scary thing, but.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />I'm terrified.<br /><br />Nicole Astra:<br />You are using your platform; that's what's good.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />Yeah. So yeah, I think a lot of guys need to talk about this a lot more, and we're taught like we fall down, we scrape our knee like it's okay. Brush it off. Sometimes life sucks, and it hurts, and I'm going to be aware of that.<br /><br />Nicole Astra:<br />Being human is acting like a man.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />I like that.<br /><br />Nicole Astra:<br />Yes, that's right. You heard it here. So please tune in and support our audience. The city invites kids to explore science, technology, engineering, arts, and math in a fun way through its free Aurora Steam Academy. The after-school program is open to Aurora students, kindergarten through eighth grade. The academy started in 2020 and expanded this year to provide opportunities to 1600 students through a partnership between the city of Aurora APS Training Academy and TinkRworks; families can apply for the courses offered during their winter session through the city's website.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />And I didn't know it was Steam. So I thought it was stem [crosstalk 00:01:43] so it's good.<br /><br />Nicole Astra:<br />He was doing it in silence and make you say stem instead of Steam. So we had to educate Joey that the arts are now involved and just as important.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />That's right. All right. If you have a business, let's get some money for you. Established businesses can get needed funds to boost their marketing through grants from the business attraction to retention committee. Businesses and property owners can apply to receive up to $5,000 if they are in the downtown special service area. So this is from about Lake street east to Lincoln avenue and Benton street north to spring street. The money can be used for a new website, an event, marketing materials, and an exhibit or projects that improve your building. Grant applications are available at auroradowntown.org.<br /><br />Nicole Astra:<br />And use that money. It is there for you guys. So really, I encourage you to apply.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />People like free money.<br /><br />Nicole Astra:<br />Absolutely.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />So just apply.<br /><br />Nicole Astra:<br />Pancakes. People also love pancakes.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />Oh, pancakes.<br /><br />Nicole Astra:<br />Sausages and a side of Mike Dickey; that's what's on the menu for a boy scout breakfast on Sunday, March 6th. Bob's Hill Troop 3 will sell raffle tickets for $10 each to win a football Jersey signed by the former Chicago Bears coach and their morning fundraiser at New England Congregational Church on Galena Boulevard. Tickets for the breakfast are $8 per person or $24 for a family and can be purchased at the event.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />Ciambella bakery, which we did a segment on them, so make sure to check that out, is getting ready to dish out hundreds of sweet treats for Paczki Day. I said it right, which is March 1st this year. If you want to get your Paczkis before, I love saying that they're gone on fat Tuesday; you can pre-order before 2:00 PM, February 23rd and choose your time slot for pickup to avoid waiting in line walk-ins are also welcome starting at 7:00 AM March 1st until they're sold out. Owner Caitlyn Waite said she sold 750 last year and is hoping to top that this year. She stopped by to bring us a seven-flavor she's selling this year. Oh, Nicole, look at that slide, including the moose with fresh raspberries, vanilla, strawberry.<br /><br />Nicole Astra:<br />Strawberries and cream.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />I just smell the deliciousness. Now I would say right now, let's dig in, but you're wearing black. So we'll do a social media post with these delicious.<br /><br />Nicole Astra:<br />Yes.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />I've never seen these before; they look like big, just sweet burgers.<br /><br />Nicole Astra:<br />They are a lot bigger than I thought they were, but we're going to do this justice.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />Okay. We are.<br /><br />Nicole Astra:<br />Stay tuned. In honor and celebration of black history month, Aurora downtown is supporting many local black-owned businesses.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />And we have my favorite name now, Arella Swan, [crosstalk 00:04:04].<br /><br />Nicole Astra:<br />Yes.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />Thanks for coming on.<br /><br />Arella Swan:<br />Thanks for having me. So Aurora downtown supports black-owned businesses, and with it being black history month, we wanted to highlight two of the many we have in the downtown area.<br /><br />Nicole Astra:<br />You brought some goodies for us.<br /><br />Arella Swan:<br />Yes, so we know how much Joey loves oils. So, you know, [crosstalk 00:04:22] I have a rolling oil for you.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />I love my oils; I got some man oil on right now. Did you smell me? Feel my musk coming off?<br /><br />Arella Swan:<br />Yes, you smell good. So we have pure skin solutions, which is a full-service spa located on Stolp, and she does handcrafted oils. So we have one of her oils here. If you guys smell that, it smells really good. The base of that oil [crosstalk 00:04:43] is almond, and it's really great just for moisturizing your skin, but she also offers facials, waxing, things like that. So yeah, definitely [crosstalk 00:00:04:53]; check her out.<br /><br />Nicole Astra:<br />Oh, that smells lovely.<br /><br />Arella Swan:<br />Isn't it really good?<br /><br />Nicole Astra:<br />Yeah.<br /><br />Arella Swan:<br />So yeah. So that's Pure Skin Solutions. The next business is Crystal House, Aurora.<br /><br />Nicole Astra:<br />Right across the street from our studios?<br /><br />Arella Swan:<br />Yes.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />Is there vodka?<br /><br />Arella Swan:<br />It's very convenient.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />I smell vodka in here; it's fine.<br /><br />Arella Swan:<br />And so they do engraving on any crystal items you need. So if you wanted to get a Talking Cities one, you can get a shot glass.<br /><br />Nicole Astra:<br />Okay.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />I like how she picks.<br /><br />Arella Swan:<br />A mug, whatever you like.<br /><br />Nicole Astra:<br />That's right.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />That's good.<br /><br />Arella Swan:<br />Yeah. So they do all of that, and so they're really great businesses to support. So definitely keep them in mind if you need some gifts, if you need [crosstalk 00:05:26].<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />You know, I need my oils and my facials and my body wraps.<br /><br />Arella Swan:<br />Yes, see self-care.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />Self-care, that's right.<br /><br />Nicole Astra:<br />What are some of your favorite places to shop downtown?<br /><br />Arella Swan:<br />So I love shopping for clothing and things like that, but I also love supporting the coffee shops and things like that too. So it's so many different variety of things to shop downtown, so you'll never not find what you're looking for.<br /><br />Nicole Astra:<br />That's right.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />Arella, thank you so much for coming on. And I just smile when I say your name [crosstalk 00:05:54].<br /><br />Arella Swan:<br />Awe.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />And I see your face now, so it's good.<br /><br />Arella Swan:<br />Thank you. Thank you guys for having me.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />She's pure sunshine.<br /><br />Nicole Astra:<br />That's right.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />A real Swan.<br /><br />Nicole Astra:<br />That wraps for today. We will see you next week. I'm Nicole Astra.<br /><br />Joey Thurman:<br />And I'm Joey Thurman.</p>
Episode 8 – Free Steam Program, Paczki Day & Highlighting Small Black-Owned Businesses
Aurora Steam Academy: https://www.aurora-il.org/2233/Aurora-STEAM-Academy
Troop 3 Bob’s Hill Boys: https://www.facebook.com/Troop-3-Bobs-Hill-Boys-187422838248
Ciambella Bakery: https://www.facebook.com/CiambellaBakery/
Aurora Downtown Small Business Grants: https://auroradowntown.org/aurora-downtowns-small-business-grants-now-live-for-2022/
Crystal House: https://crystalhouse.us/
Pure Skin Solutions Aurora: https://pureskinaurora.com/
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